Disclaimer Statement

Legal Disclaimer

This site and it’s contents are provided on an “as is” basis, without any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including & without limitation on warranties of title or implied warranties of use for any particular purpose. In addition, Tarheel Hosting does not represent that the information and contents of this site are without error, complete, or current. Use of this website is solely at your own risk and you assume all responsibilities for any damages of any kind, including & without limitation, direct, indirect, or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, damages or loss of property and any claims by third parties.

Except where noted, this site including all design, graphics and text is copyrighted by Tarheel Hosting. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE. Use, duplication, modification, distribution, or republication of this Site or the contents hereof, without the written permission of Dan River Farms is strictly prohibited.

Warning Label For Residents of USA
We must now warn you that we are here to make money so that we can buy bread and pay taxes. Yes, we do pay taxes on our earnings………….If you click on a link to an advertiser and make a purchase from that advertiser, that advertiser will pay us a small commission. This commission does not affect your purchase price. This statement is required by the FTC.

Worldwide shipping

Shipping policy is per individual merchant.


Returns policy is per individual merchant.


See individual merchant for warranty policy.

Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa as offeredby individual merchant.